Electronics Shop
We are a leading Electronic Shop located in Nairobi. We are invested in making you succeed through our competitive pricing and through the relationships that we’ve created with the World’s leading Electronic Manufacturers.
Computers, Laptops and their Accessories
Get Exclusive deals on computers, laptops and their Accessories from all the world leading Computer leading Manufacturers.
Apple Inc. Products
We are the leading Apple Inc. dealer in Kenya. We have a large inventory waiting just for you. We’d be glad to be involved in getting you your next Apple fix.

Optimizing every area of your business!

Your Reliable and Steadfast partner. We’d love to work together with you and together Achieve our Goals. Your Success is our PRIDE!!!

    Please reach out to us through the following ways found below to have any query answered, We are always glad to help. Thank you for considering doing business with Us. We are located at White Angle House, Kenneth Matiba RD. 1st Floor, Shop 83.